Why Does My Suzuki GSXR1000 Click When Starting?

Got a Suzuki GSX-R1000 motorcycle that makes a rapid clicking noise when you hit the start button? The problem could be the battery, or maybe the starter solenoid.

Partzilla’s Suzuki motorcycle expert John Talley hosts live motorcycle and ATV repair Q&A sessions on our YouTube channel every Friday at 3pm Eastern. In this session, John was asked what could be causing a Suzuki GSXR1000 to make a clicking noise upon starting.

Suzuki GSXR1000 starting problems

Suzuki GSXR1000 Start Button Clicking Noise Q&A

I have a Suzuki GSX-R1000 and when I try to start it by operating the start button, it makes a very rapid clicking noise until I release the start button. I connected it to my car battery with jump leads and it did the same thing. Can you help? 

John Talley: Alright, well that’s definitely not enough power making it through the starting solenoid or the starter relay if you want to call it that, to actually turn it over. I’ve seen it where the battery is so dead, or if it’s that weak in condition that even putting on a jump box still can’t get it done, because that weak or dead battery is dragging down the jump box as well. Now, let’s assume that is not the case and your battery is healthy — which I would recommend getting it tested — what you would need to look at next is the starter solenoid itself. Because I’ve seen them bring in those contacts and they just click. And that is not so much the battery not being strong enough, but it’s the coil inside of that starter relay pulling up those contacts that’s starting to fail. Now which one is more likely? I’m leaning more toward the battery. But I have seen it happen where a healthy battery just made it click. It took me a while to run that one down, longer than I want to admit. 

Buy powersport vehicle batteries

Buy powersports vehicle battery chargers

Watch the video below to see how to troubleshoot starting problems with a Suzuki GSXR1000 motorcycle.

Watch the video below to see how to test and replace a Suzuki GSXR1000 motorcycle battery.

Watch the video below to learn how to test a motorcycle starter relay/starter solenoid.

Want to see more live repair questions answered? See more motorcycle and ATV repair questions answered here.







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