Yamaha YXZ1000R Replacing Parking Brake Pads

Parking brake pads replacements on a Yamaha YXZ1000R side by side should always be included as part of the vehicle's regular brake maintenance. 

Watch the video above and follow the steps below to change the parking brake pads on a Yamaha YXZ1000R.

Tools and Parts – Yamaha YXZ1000R Parking Brake Pad Change

  • Ratchet and extensions
  • 7mm, 10mm, 14mm sockets
  • 10mm, 12mm wrenches
  • 5mm Allen
  • Torque wrench

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Slacken Yamaha YXZ1000R Parking Brake Cable

Step 1. Remove the right seat bottom. It clips in place, so just lift it up from the front to remove it.

Yamaha YXZ1000R parking brake pads first step

Step 2. Remove the center console upper covers, which are held in place with plastic rivets plus 7mm and 10mm bolts, and remove the right-side center console cover.

Yamaha YXZ1000R parking brake pads replacement  center console removal

NOTE: If your Yamaha YXZ1000R has a sound system in the center console, you’ll need to disconnect it and remove it too.

Yamaha YXZ1000R parking brake pads sound system removal

Yamaha YXZ1000R parking brake pads change center console removal

Step 3. Use a 10mm wrench and a 12mm wrench to loosen the lock nut on the parking brake cable, and turn the adjuster to slacken the cable.

Yamaha YXZ1000R parking brake pads replacement cable

Watch the clip below to see the brake cable loosening segment of our Yamaha YXZ1000R parking brake pads replacement video.

PRO TIP: It’s not necessary to raise the YXZ1000R or remove the rear wheels, but doing so makes replacing the parking brake pads much easier. If you choose to raise the vehicle, support it on axle stands positioned under the frame. 

Removing Yamaha YXZ1000R Parking Brake Pads

Step 4. Disconnect the parking brake cable from its retaining bracket.

Step 5. Remove the two 14mm brake caliper mounting bolts and the parking brake caliper assembly from the vehicle.

Yamaha YXZ1000R parking brake pads replacement

Step 6. Remove the two 5mm Allen brake pad pins and slide the parking brake pads from the caliper assembly.

Yamaha YXZ1000R parking brake pads change

Yamaha YXZ1000R side by side parking brake pads change

Step 7. Remove the spring clip beneath the brake pads from the caliper assembly.

Watch the clip below to see the brake pad removal segment of our Yamaha YXZ1000R parking brake pads replacement video.

NOTE: Before installing the new parking brake pads, clean the pad pins, spring clip and caliper assembly with a wire brush and contact/brake cleaner to remove as much dirt as possible.

Installing Yamaha YXZ1000R Parking Brake Pads

Step 8. Reinstall the spring clip, then install the new parking brake pads into the brake caliper.

Yamaha YXZ1000R UTV parking brake pads change

Yamaha YXZ1000R UTV parking brake pads installation

Step 9. Apply a drop of red threadlocker to the pad pins and reinstall them.

Step 10. Measure the gap between the new brake pads by pushing the tapered end of a flathead screwdriver between the pads, marking the screwdriver at the point at which the pads are fully pushed back, and measuring the thickness of the screwdriver at the mark with a digital caliper. 

Yamaha YXZ1000R side by side parking brake pads installation

NOTE: The gap should be 5mm. If the gap is greater than 5mm, you’ll need to adjust the caliper, but if the gap is correct you can skip ahead to Step 19.

Yamaha YXZ1000R UTV parking brake pads measurement

Watch the clip below to see the brake pads installation segment of our Yamaha YXZ1000R parking brake pads replacement video.

Step 11. Disconnect and remove the tensioning spring from the parking brake cable retaining bracket and the brake cable arm.

Yamaha YXZ1000 parking brake pads replacement spring

Step 12. Remove the 12mm nut and the brake cable arm beneath if from the brake caliper shaft.

Yamaha YXZ1000 parking brake pads replacement nut

Yamaha YXZ1000 parking brake pads replacement cable

Step 13. Rotate the 12mm nut on the brake caliper shaft counterclockwise until it can’t turn any further.

YXZ1000R parking brake pads replacement

Step 14. Reinstall the brake cable arm and 12mm nut onto the brake caliper shaft, but only hand-tighten it.

YXZ1000R UTV parking brake pads replacement

Step 15. Measure and mark the tapered end of a flathead screwdriver at the point where it’s just under 5mm thick.

YXZ1000R side by side parking brake pads replacement

Step 16. Put the screwdriver between the parking brake pads, and turn the brake caliper shaft clockwise until the pads contact the screwdriver at the marked point, then tighten the 12mm nut to lock everything in place.

Yamaha side by side parking brake pads replacement

Step 17. Reinstall the tensioning spring to the parking brake cable retaining bracket and the brake cable arm.

Yamaha UTV parking brake pads replacement

Watch the clip below to see the caliper adjustment segment of our Yamaha YXZ1000R parking brake pads video.

Step 18. Reinstall the parking brake caliper assembly and the caliper mounting bolts. Torque the bolts to 29 foot-pounds.

Step 19. Reconnect the parking brake cable into its retaining bracket.

Yamaha UTV parking brake cable

NOTE: Before finishing the job, the parking brake cable must be tensioned so the parking brake lever engages at the correct point.

Watch the clip below to see the brake caliper installation segment of our Yamaha YXZ1000R parking brake pads replacement video.

Adjusting Yamaha YXZ1000R Parking Brake Cable

Step 20. Pull the parking brake lever. There should only be a single click before it engages. If there’s more than one click, tighten the parking brake cable adjuster until the lever only moves by a single click, then tighten the lock nut on the parking brake cable.

Parking brake pads change Yamaha YXZ1000R

Parking brake pads replacement Yamaha YXZ1000R

Step 21. Reinstall the center console covers and the seat bottom and you’re done.

Watch the clip below to see the brake cable adjustment segment of our Yamaha YXZ1000R parking brake pads replacement video.