How to Replace a Yamaha Raider Air Filter 

Changing out the air filter on a 2008 Yamaha Raider isn’t hard, but it is tucked in underneath the fuel tank, so the tank needs to be disconnected first.

Watch the video above or follow the steps below to replace the air filter in a Yamaha Raider motorcycle. 

Tools and Parts - Yamaha Raider Air Filter Replacement 

  • Ratchet and extensions
  • Flathead and Philips screwdrivers
  • T30 Torx screwdriver
  • Hex wrench

Buy Yamaha motorcycle air filter

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Yamaha Raider Air Filter Change Steps

Step 1. Remove the seat from the motorcycle. 

2008 Yamaha Raider motorcycle air filter replacement

Step 2. Remove the 5mm Allen bolts holding the instrument cluster in place, followed by the three plugins on the center tab, then remove the instrument cluster itself. 

2008 Yamaha Raider motorcycle air filter change

Yamaha Raider motorcycle air filter replacement

Yamaha Raider motorcycle air filter change

NOTE: The next few steps cover removing the fuel tank from the motorcycle. If the fuel tank is full, drain as much fuel as you can out of it first to reduce the weight of the tank so you don’t accidentally drop it.

Step 3. Disconnect the wiring harness and the hose on top from the fuel tank. 

Yamaha Raider air filter change

Yamaha Raider air filter replacement

2008 Yamaha Raider air filter replacement

Step 4. Remove the bolts that hold the fuel tank in place. 

2008 Yamaha Raider air filter change

2008 Yamaha motorcycle air filter change

2008 Yamaha motorcycle air filter replacement

Step 5. Disconnect the fuel lines and close the fuel shutoff valves with a screwdriver. 

Yamaha motorcycle air filter replacement

Yamaha motorcycle air filter change

How to change Yamaha motorcycle air filter

Step 6. Remove the side panel, which has a T30 Torx security screw in the back, and a 4mm hex up top, so you can access the fuel pump. 

How to replace Yamaha motorcycle air filter

How to replace Yamaha Raider motorcycle air filter

How to change Yamaha Raider motorcycle air filter

Step 7. Remove the zip tie and disconnect the line at the top of the fuel pump.

How to change 2008 Yamaha Raider motorcycle air filter

How to replace 2008 Yamaha Raider motorcycle air filter

Step 8. Disconnect all remaining connections to the fuel pump, then lift the fuel tank itself off the motorcycle. 

How to replace Yamaha Raider motorcycle air filter

How to change Yamaha Raider motorcycle air filter

How to change Yamaha Raider air filter

Step 9. Remove the seven Phillips screws that go around the perimeter of the airbox cover, then lift the airbox cover off the machine. 

How to replace Yamaha Raider air filter

Yamaha Raider air filter change airbox cover

Yamaha Raider air filter change airbox cover removal

Step 10. Remove the old air filter from the airbox. 

Yamaha Raider old air filter removal

NOTE: If the airbox and air filter on your machine are really dirty, be careful lifting the cover and air filter out to prevent shifting dirt straight into the engine. 

Yamaha Raider air filter old and new

Step 11. Install the new air filter, then reinstall the airbox cover. 

Yamaha Raider new air filter installation

Yamaha Raider air filter installation

Step 12. Reinstall and reconnect the fuel tank, then reinstall the side panel, the instrument cluster and the seat and you’re done. 

2008 Yamaha Raider motorcycle air filter change reinstall fuel tank

Yamaha Raider motorcycle air filter change reinstall fuel tank

Yamaha Raider air filter change reinstall fuel tank

Yamaha Raider air filter replacement reinstall fuel tank

Yamaha Raider air filter change reinstall instrument cluster

Yamaha Raider air filter change reinstall side panel

Yamaha Raider air filter change reinstall seat

Ready to do the oil change next? Watch the video below to see how to change the engine oil in a Yamaha Raider.