Yamaha Grizzly 700 Drive Belt Change Q&A
How often should you change the drive belt in a Yamaha Grizzly 700? It largely depends on how you use your Yamaha ATV, but there are signs that'll tell you when it's time to swap the belt out.
Partzilla's resident powersports expert John Talley goes live every Friday at 3PM Eastern for live Q&A. In this session, John answered quite a bit of Yamaha ATV repair questions, including one of our viewer's questions about a Grizzly drive belt change. Here's what John had to say about replacing the drive belt on a Yamaha YFM700.
How often should the drive belt be replaced on my Yamaha Grizzly 700?
John Talley: Well, that’s kind of a loaded question. They don’t have a real guideline for that, because it’s so dependent on how you use the machine. If you’re just using it for light trail riding, and you’re not overly taxing it as far as the weight, some of these belts can actually go the entire length of the life of the machine just about. The only thing that’ll get them is the rubber breaking down because it’s dry-rotted. On the other hand, if you’re really working the machine or using it in a really hilly environment or a muddy environment, or you’re really putting a strain on it, then of course it’s going to wear quicker. A couple of the telltale signs are, your engagement when it’s sitting at idle and you go hit the throttle and it kinda jerks into position, that’s telling you that the drive belt is starting to get some wear on it. And not only the belt but also wearing the sheaves, causing it to kind of jump when it actually engages and it goes through the stroke as far as the sheaves opening and closing. That’s the long way of saying there isn’t really a scheduled time to replace it, it’s just when it starts to feel funny, you may need to pull out that outer cover and inspect it.
Watch the video below to see how to do a drive belt change on a Yamaha Grizzly 700.
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