Honda ATV Maintenance Recommendations

The Honda owner's manual will provide maintenance guidelines for your ATV, but if you ride your quad hard, you may have to do more than what the manual suggests. 

Partzilla's Honda ATV expert John Talley was asked for his recommendations on maintenance for a TRX400. John goes live on our YouTube channel every Friday at 3pm Eastern for his weekly Q&A sessions, and in this edition, a viewer asked him for maintenance recommendations for a Honda TRX400.

Honda ATV maintenance

Honda TRX400 Maintenance

John Talley: Well, Honda has their maintenance schedule in the owner’s manual, but my rule of thumb is … after a really hard weekend at Durham Town or something like that, I’m going to go ahead and change the oil and of course go after the oil filter. That’s really all you have to do with these machines is keep the oil changed, the air filter cleaned, and on that particular model keep the chain at the correct tension or adjustment and you’re good to go. And it’ll let you know anything else that’s coming up when you do just a pre-ride cursory check at your brakes and see if your pads are getting too low. I mean, if they’re down to the thickness of a credit card, you need to get rid of them. As far as the maintenance, basically every 5-6 hours sometimes if I’m really riding hard for a weekend two days in a row, I’m going to go ahead and change the oil. Oil is cheap, rebuilding an engine is very expensive. 

Watch the video above to see how to do an oil and filter change on a Honda TRX400 ATV.

Honda HP4 10W-40 oil

Honda ATV brake pads

Watch the video below to see how to change the brake pads on a Honda TRX400 ATV.

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