How Often Should I Change Yamaha R6 Coolant?

When you should replace motorcycle coolant depends on the manufacturer’s recommendations, but you should never wait longer than three years to change coolant on a Yamaha R6.

Partzilla’s Yamaha motorcycle expert John Talley livestreams Q&A sessions on our YouTube channel every Friday at 3pm Eastern. In this session, John was asked how often the coolant should be replaced on a Yamaha YZF-R6 motorcycle. 

Motorcycle coolant flush

Yamaha R6 Coolant Change Q&A

How often should I be changing the engine coolant from my Yamaha R6?

John Talley: I don’t have the manual in front of me, but I believe it’s every three years. It needs to be flushed out or drained and then refilled. If it’s been in there for longer than three years, I would recommend instead of just draining and replacing it, that you flush it clean and then replace it. And we did a video on, I think it was a Kawasaki KLR 650, where I went through that process. Now, I know it’s not an R6, but the actual process as far as using the coolant flush chemicals used in that video, it would apply for any motorcycle. 

Buy motorcycle coolant

Buy motorcycle cooling system parts

Watch the video below to see how to do a coolant flush on a Kawasaki KLR 650 motorcycle. 

Watch the video below to see how to do a coolant flush on a Honda motorcycle. 

Watch the video below to see how to do a coolant change on a Suzuki motorcycle. 

Want to see more live repair questions answered? See more motorcycle and ATV repair questions answered here.   



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